Thursday, February 2, 2012

My ideas on past seminars - Sandip K. Dasverma

Let me unload what I have in mind as regular programs. Many of them have been tried and tested. Entrepreneurship is not a new area for OSA but you can give your special touch and take it further down the road - with brilliant ideas and innovation which a top engineer like you is capable of.
Let me reiterate what we have done in the past six years, at our best. For rest we have time but we are behind the clock on the Entrepreneur Award. Which takes longer time to get a good response from the parents of potential participants.
We need at least 4 seminars:
  1. One on "Odisha Development" - 2 to 4 hours, it has been financed by Debi Mishra of AL for nearly last decade.
  2. Women's forum - 2 hours, which is a regular annex of OSA convention for more than a decade.(Mamata Mishra, Austin, Tx, Annapurna Pandey, Leena Mishra et el. We need a local coordinator)
  3. Youth forum - at least 2 hours - which is regular annex for OSA youth(we have Sibani (Das)/Mudra/ Ashish/Adarsh but we need a person with earlier experience. )
  4. Odia Kabita Patha session - 2 hours - which is also regular annex of OSA conventions.(We need a local coordinator though there are people like Satya Patnaik, Bigyani Dash, Sumitra Padhi, Arjun Purohit, Sri Gopal Mohanty & Gagan Panigrahi who are regular supporters. There may be many younger poets - we need a local anchor )
In addition we have below sessions which had been started since Trenton, NJ convention:
  1. Kalinga Youth entrepreneurship Award (Renamed Samik Singh Kalinga youth Entrepreneurship award) - 2 hours (With Ranjan in lead & Sukanta prompting it we are in safe hands but we need to have a local anchor in Seattle.
  2. Entrepreneurship seminar by established entrepreneurs - 2 hours( We need to invite as many local entrepreneurs to the convention both as possible, at least 4 to be role model for the potential younger ones. )
  3. Professional role models for youth - 2hours (This can be presenting a 2nd generation doctor, A 2nd generation lawyer, an University professor, a scientist, an 2nd generation entrepreneur as role model to younger students(teenagers).
  4. Darshan had started an one Odia forum in Trenton, which has not been followed up since but was indeed a great idea to mix - experience and youth.
In addition some parallel health sessions are started by some practicing doctors/dietitians/ Paramedics/Joga practitioners, which is allotted 2 hours.
We can tie these with the "entrepreneurship" thread and give it a special focus but the structure is already in place. The idea is how to get so many hours of seminar, with parallel sessions, so it does not conflict with programs that interest same people - e.g. youth.
Let us get into discussion and lay our time first - so we will have the best slots. Also you must know what has worked well in the past.

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